Although the videos feature the logo at the end and the other visual assets are on brand- the video is still largely indistinguishable from competitor content, and doesn’t really feel like anyone in particular.
Project budgets have been tallied up at the EOY, and video keeps overspending due to most videos ending up on version seven with post sign off changes to text, font size, transitions, camera moves and other tinkering. To make matters worse a rival company has been awarded “omnichannel experience of the year” for their cohesive look, feel and tone of voice across all of their video content touchpoints. Oof.
Investment in the future is not necessarily a problem, but a solution must be found to:
They hit upon the idea that everything their video is, should be more considered and crafted- that even the way the text comes on screen should reflect their brand values, and therefore will help them stand apart from competition. And that this should all be agreed upon, by everyone, up front, somehow…
Unfortunately post sign-off script changes are deemed insurmountable: the team throws their arms aloft and shrugs, unanimously.
Despite being professional marketers with several years of experience under their belts, with a grim acceptance bordering on apology they mutter that it can’t be helped.
That there is nothing to be done about those dang post sign-off script changes.
With a solid plan in place, one bright spark suggests that a set of Video Guidelines be prepared- ensuring every detail of video has been considered and documented well ahead of time. Allowing for input from all necessary areas of the business, and sign-off by all interested parties, the document could be used by all Video Production partners to ensure everyone is on the same page, and that the content comes out looking the same whether it is produced in Capetown or Castleford.
All of their video content looks like it was prepared in the same kitchen, and has clear threads running through the various platform adaptations and video cutdowns.
Their brand recognition metrics are up, and the video content oozes their values and vision in an authentic way. Not only demonstrating the clear water between them and their competition, but with a distinctive set of visual behaviours that can only ever be them.
Are you ready to take your video content strategy to the next level?
Do you have questions about video guidelines and their benefit to your business?
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Get in touch with us to see how we can help you get the most out of your video projects