Buy cheap, pay twice- the real cost of a bad video edit

Subconscious rifts caused by poor video editing techniques: an analysis on viewer perception and engagement

The advent of digital and AI technology has revolutionised the landscape of video content creation- one aspect critically affected is video editing — a key factor of the viewer's experience.

This article aims to have a bit of a poke at the around the back room that is the human subconscious. We look at the rifts that poor video editing techniques can cause, and how they can impact viewer perception and engagement.


Primarily, poor editing can create a disconnection between the viewer and the content. this disconnection takes place on a subconscious level, a feeling that viewers might not be able to pinpoint exactly what is wrong but they feel off-balance. Something has jolted their viewing pleasure and try as they might- they couldn’t tell you why.

The thing is: your audience might not even notice the dodgy cutaways, but their brains do

It’s important to be aware of bad video editing for a number of reasons, not least because it makes for better viewing

But when it comes to selling things, IF they click on the play button, IF they watch past 3 seconds, IF they make it to the CTA, they still might leave your product/demo video feeling turned off or disinterested due to subconscious rifts they encountered along the way

Of course they might just not be interested in buying the new *insert whatever makes you feel loved 3000 that you are positioning as the premier reason relationships aren’t going according to Disney.

How to safeguard

But as always- we can try to safeguard against it being the technical aspects of the video that lead to their dismay:

  • inconsistent continuity: errors such as abrupt cuts, mismatched shots, and jarring transitions disrupt the narrative coherence and flow — leading to viewer confusion and disinterest.
  • incorrect pacing: video pacing, if not properly managed, can lead to a rushed or dragged narrative. both cases can leave viewers unsatisfied and disengaged.
  • overuse of effects and filters: overuse can create sensory overload, repelling viewers instead of drawing them in. they could subconsciously associate the visual discomfort with the content itself.
  • black frame: it still happens. more than it should.

Competition for viewer attention is crazy fierce, so the importance of quality assurance (QA) in video editing and the content production cycle cannot be overstated.

QA plays a critical role in ensuring that the delivered video content is not just good, but great- satisfying audience expectations and maintaining high standards of a brand's reputation and credibility.

How poor video editing influences viewer engagement

Neglecting QA can lead to a plethora of challenges like video glitches, audio inconsistencies, and visual imperfections, all of which degrade the quality of video content at a technical level

But where engagement refers to both the behavioural and emotional involvement of a viewer with the video content, poorly edited videos can put a real dent in the customers opinion of you and your product and service

As with above, we only have so much change we can affect here, but us scare you with a few things that might happen:

  • drop in viewer retention: in this digital age, viewers have an array of content options at their fingertips. consequently, they are less tolerant of poorly edited content, causing drops in viewer retention rates.
  • reduced social sharing: videos are often shared when they resonate on an emotional level. incoherent narratives due to shoddy editing can strip away this emotion, leading to less sharing and word-of-mouth promotion.
  • negative impact on brand image: if the content is tied to a brand, consistent poor editing can affect its image. it may lead to a perceived lack of professionalism or care for quality, deterring potential clients or partnerships.

This last point is particularly important and highlighting the importance of QA, especially on e-commerce platforms: as customers swirl around near the bottom of their funnel, they will be consuming a lot of content and watching a lot of videos.

If yours drops the ball on quality and the next one they happen to watch doesn’t contain any subconscious rifts, guess what is likely to happen?

Go on, guess.

man looking at a video edit on his phone
Photographer: Eddy Billard | Source: Unsplash

The power of good video editing

On the flip side, good editing can enhance the viewer experience tremendously: it guides the storytelling process —building tension, evoking emotions, emphasizing important moments— and ultimately anchors the viewer's attention from start to end. things like

Minimising eyeball travel can help to deliver faster paced edits, without the viewer feeling rushed or pushed.

If it’s cut to music there can be interplay and juxtaposition between the beats of the bar and the edit, in the hands of the right editor this can elevate a good edit to a truly exceptional one.

‍Continuation and manipulation of shot travel direction is an art all of its own, hook this up with some glitch cuts and speed ramps and you’re getting close to award territory

So when v1 comes back and it’s not what you asked santa for

Don’t freak.

Don’t swear (too much)

Don’t immediately tear into the account manager for dirtying your eyes with such visual garbage.

Remember that first coffee? The one you'll need to regroup and go again? well, make it a double - you're going to tackle this edit head on.

Take as many passes as you need to, maybe pick just one of the things from the lists above and work through them one at a time.

Be concise and actionable in your feedback (your editor will thank you for it!) quality video editing is essential in the creation process. it's not just about stringing scenes together but crafting a coherent, engaging narrative.


The potential subconscious rifts caused by poor editing can lead to detrimental effects on viewer perceptions and engagement, underlining the importance of this understated art form.

A thorough quality assurance process not only detects but also resolves any issues before the content is presented to the audience, increasing the chances of effectively delivering your message.

And don’t forget; the trash bin icon is your friend. sometimes, you just gotta delete that bad edit, and make like Orange Juice and rip it up and start again 😎

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